Parent-Teacher Organization
Our Mission Statement
"The Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) is a nonprofit fundraising organization supporting MLK students, teachers, and staff for the betterment of our school."
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to enhance the educational experience for our students and teaching staff. It is our belief that the team effort of a parent-teacher-student organization offers the best possible learning environment for our children. PTSO works to raise funds for all students as well as individual school departments. The PTSO will strive to be aware of the needs of the students, the school, and the community and to be of assistance wherever possible.
Your membership dues help the PTSO provide valuable enrichment programs for our children. Where does the money go? Here are some examples:
- New books for the library
- New uniforms for after-school sports teams
- Support for lunchtime clubs
- Supplies needed classrooms
- Student and Teacher incentives
- Support End of the year Events
- And much, much more!
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. It’s a great way to get involved with the school, stay informed, and meet other King families. You can also support PTSO by scanning your receipts for Box Top items by designating MLK PTSO under the community rewards in your Ralph's rewards, supporting our various Dine-Out Nights or other fundraisers.
Meeting Minutes
Contact Us
Board Members
General contact information:
Please make sure to like our "MLK PTSO Facebook Page"
- President: Sara Simmons
- Vice-Presidents: Jami Troyer
- Treasurer: Jessica Charvet-Brunson
- Parliamentarian: Veronica Garcia
- Secretary: Tricia Foulk
The Executive session will begin at 5:30pm and a general meeting will begin at 6:00pm.
PTO Calendar
- Due to our next PTSO falling on election night, we are going to reschedule our meeting to Wednesday, November 6th at 6pm in the library. A link will be provided if you want to attend via zoom. We look forward to seeing you there!
Dine-Out flyers English